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Adopt Shadow a Black (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat in | Black Male Adoption1

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Adopt Shadow a Black (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat in

Bloomsdale, MO

6 years ago my husband decided he wanted a black cat, so I found him one. He came from a trailer park and was 6 months old and really feisty. We have3 cats at home at this time. For some reason, he has decided he doesn't have touse the litter box. He has been pooping and peeing on the floor for several years.We have taken him to a vet in Ste Genevieve several times and there is nothingwrong with him except that he is lazy (Vet statement). If I put him in a room byhimself he does fine, but the minute he is back outside of the room he right backinto his bad habits. I have put up with this for several years but now my health is bad. I can't bend over or stoop to clean up his messes any longer. I hate to get rid of him or tohave him euthanized but I can no longer take care of him. He is also very overweight and I have to bathe him once or twice a month to help keephim clean and keep the dander down and it is difficult to lift him. He needs to be on a dietand exercise as well.
May 26 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Shadow a Black (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat in
Adopt Shadow a Black (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat in is a Black Male for sale in Farmington. Find other listings like Adopt Shadow a Black (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat in by searching Oodle for Black Male Cats.