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Adopt Roxy a Calico or Dilute Calico American Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat | Female American1

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Adopt Roxy a Calico or Dilute Calico American Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat

Cleveland, TN

Roxy is a calico female and her brother Po are around 4 years old. They are quiet, calm mannered, and will hide at first until they get to know you. They are both litter box trained, I have had no accidents fostering them. They Like attention and are affectionate. Very gentle and calm demeanors. They have always been together since they were born and would love for it to stay that way. It is not their fault their owner did not care about them enough to come pick them up. They are loving cats and love each other. I already have 3 cats of my own and I cannot keep all 5 in my home.
American Shorthair
May 16 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Roxy a Calico or Dilute Calico American Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat
Adopt Roxy a Calico or Dilute Calico American Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat is a Female American Shorthair for sale in Cleveland. Find other listings like Adopt Roxy a Calico or Dilute Calico American Shorthair / Mixed (short coat) cat by searching Oodle for Female American Shorthair Cats.