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Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in
Portage, MI
Lilly is 12 years old and weighs 6.75 pounds. The current owner took Lilly in with his other cat and she has been with him for about nine years (the last six or so as an only cat). Unfortunately, the owner tripped over Lilly and fell. Therefore they can no longer keep Lilly for safety reasons. We have asked family members to take her in, but either their pet(s) don't get along with other cats, or they are dealing with a safety issue themselves and cannot have pets in the home. Lilly is a good natured cat, but does not handle overstimulation well. Just pet her a couple of times and let her lay on your lap or next to you. She used to a home with occasional visitors, but only one human living in her house. Lilly was traumatized when paramedics came and took away her human. She also had a growth on her side. Surgery to remove the growth was completed on April 22, 2024, and she is healing well. She has recovered from the trauma very well and is quite social.
May 25 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in
Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in is a Brown Female Tabby for sale in Kalamazoo. Find other listings like Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in by searching Oodle for Brown Female Tabby Cats.
Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in is a Brown Female Tabby for sale in Kalamazoo. Find other listings like Adopt Lily a Brown Tabby Domestic Shorthair / Mixed (medium coat) cat in by searching Oodle for Brown Female Tabby Cats.