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Adopt Finch a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair cat in Shelbyville, IN (41486580) | Blue, Grey Male 1

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Adopt Finch a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair cat in Shelbyville, IN (41486580)

Shelbyville, IN

Meet Finch, a young feline with a personality that is as vibrant as his name suggests. Finch is a gentle soul, easygoing, and his sweet demeanor is heartwarming. His days are filled with a love for companionship, always eager to be at your side. His affectionate nature is irresistible, with a tendency to flop down in front of you, inviting you to share in a moment of gentle petting. His loyalty is unwavering, often following you around, showing a desire to be part of your daily routine. Finch's sociable demeanor makes him an excellent companion, his antics sure to bring a smile to your face. His zest for life and love for human interaction make him a wonderful addition to any home. Adopting Finch will not only give him a loving home but he'll also be a friend who will bring joy and happiness into your life. His gentle purrs and sweet meows are a testament to his loving nature. Finch is waiting for a home where he can share his love and sweetness. Why adopt Finch? Because a home filled with his love, sweetness, and purrs is a home filled with happiness. If Finch sounds like the perfect fit for your family, please consider visiting to begin the application process!
May 26 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Finch a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair cat in Shelbyville, IN (41486580)
Adopt Finch a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair cat in Shelbyville, IN (41486580) is a Blue, Grey Male for sale in Greensburg. Find other listings like Adopt Finch a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair cat in Shelbyville, IN (41486580) by searching Oodle for Blue, Grey Male Cats.