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Adopt Dakota a Gray or Blue Siamese (short coat) cat in Wimauma, FL (40563905) | Blue, Grey Male S1

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Adopt Dakota a Gray or Blue Siamese (short coat) cat in Wimauma, FL (40563905)

Wimauma, FL

Dakota is a Siamese/Tuxedo mix who loves affection and love on his terms! He is a VERY skittish and shy kittie who needs a family who's extremely PATIENT with him and will work with him to bring him out of his shell and allow him to feel SAFE AND LOVED. Dakota will come to you for petting and conversation but doesn't like to be held. You can lean down to give kisses from time to time as well. Dakota will do well with a playmate who is just as sweet, gentle, and passive as he is, otherwise he would do extremely well as an ONLY CHILD. He will come to you for love, petting, and interaction when he wants it. At times he will have a conversation with you when he feels a bit "chatty" and he will come and lay in your lap or at your side, but it has to be when HE wants to. At night, this little guy will sleep next to you too! Dakota loves treats, cat nip, and wand toys!! Please consider adopting Dakota TODAY!!! You may also visit our website for more kitties!
May 17 on
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More About this Listing: Adopt Dakota a Gray or Blue Siamese (short coat) cat in Wimauma, FL (40563905)
Adopt Dakota a Gray or Blue Siamese (short coat) cat in Wimauma, FL (40563905) is a Blue, Grey Male Siamese for sale in Tampa. Find other listings like Adopt Dakota a Gray or Blue Siamese (short coat) cat in Wimauma, FL (40563905) by searching Oodle for Blue, Grey Male Siamese Cats.